Registry Identification Card



Login to using your existing username and password. Patients and caregivers must first be registered through a account.


Access Your Account

Click the “Health Applications” icon, and then click the “Medical Marijuana Data Management System” link to access the account. Select the “Update Information/Request New Card” icon. Select the green “Request New Card” button.


Request Card

Select the appropriate reason for requesting a new card. Patients or caregivers looking to update his/her photograph or change the name printed in the registry ID card must upload appropriate documentation during the new card request.

If a new address is being reported, also update the address information provided on the screeen prior to submitting the new card request.


Request Reviewed

Your new card request will be reviewed. Once approved, a temporary registry identification card may be accessed from your account to purchase medical marijuana while the physical registry identification card is mailed to the patient or caregiver.

A certified patient or designated care giver who has been issued a registry ID card must notify the Medical Marijuana Program of any change in his or her name, or address, within ten (10) business days of such change.